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La claque de Maissane l'algérienne à Amr Adeeb

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J'ai hâte de voir la tête horrible de Amr Adeeb quand il a lu ce matin cette lettre que je lui ai envoyée en guise de cadeau de noël car il ne trouve aucun inconvénient qu'un musulman en reçoive de la part de baba nouwil ! Chers compatriotes, faites un effort pour leur répondre dans une langue qu'ils comprennent pour transmettre vos réactions à leurs bétises.


هذا رد جزائري على بعض الأشخاص لما ظهر منهم من قذارة ضد بلدي، على رأسهم عمرو أديب، الذي أنشأ موقعا في الفايس بوك عنوانه حملة مصرية ضد الجزائر:
سأكتب مضمون رسالتي باللغة الانجليزية بالرغم من تقديسي للغتي العربية، وهذا لرغبتي في نشر رأيي و إحساسي بلغة العولمة والانترنت لأساهم بطريقتي في الرد على من حاول تشويه صورة بلادي في العالم. لأبرهن أن تحكمنا في استعمال اللغات الأجنبية في هذا الزمن من الأجدر أن يكون مدعاة للحسد بدل الاستهزاء. لن أنكر أنني درست العربية لمدة سنة عند مصري، ولكن مع كل احتراماتي لشخصه، لم أتعلم منه ما تزعمون من حضارة أو تحكم في اللغة العربية، فهو والكثير من أمثاله جاءوا بحثا عن لقمة العيش في بلد وثق بكونهم فعلا أساتذة.
أخيرا، لن أرد مثل عمرو أديب بشن حملة جزائرية ضد مصر لأن جلدي يقشعر من الوقاحة ولا اسمح لنفسي الرد بمثلها، لا أملك أي مصلحة في ذلك، كما لا أحمّل كامل الشعب المصري أخطاء سفلته ومدعاة خجله.

Amr Adeeb and fellows,
Watching your delirious actions and allegations before and after the matches against Algeria, I understood, sincerely, that your country is the mother of the world if we consider the Shakespearian verse:
All the world’s a stage,
And all the men and women merely players (As You Like It 2/7)
As players and actors, you are the true sons of your motherم الدنيا أ as you enjoy to call it. In all other considerations, however, I am sorry to reiterate (I know millions of persons told you so) that you are deluding yourselves.
I spent a lot of time searching on Google for who did what, when, how and why? Your allegations are backed by no proofs, but just blah-blah, the only thing in the world you are the masters of. I did not find any Algerian journalist or artist making the puppet on Youtube, Dailymotion or AOL video, nor an Egyptian player or supporter bleeding. The rare and comparatively less dangerous deeds from Algerians were just reactions to your actions. Did you expect Algerians to believe in “Whoever slaps you on your right cheek, turn the other to him also”?! We rather believe in the “eye for an eye” principle, but this time, the majority of us, Algerians, did not even apply this rule, simply because we do not put the entire Egyptian people in the same dirty basket as the one in which you fall, together with your psychopathic fellows. Indeed, the foot of Antar pulverized the dream of Gamel, and with it, the remnant of your respectability and sanity.
In fact, you seriously suffer from a mental comorbidity, and I will generously give you a free session of psychoanalysis (we Algerians do not worship money as many of you do, at least when it comes to matters of dignity):
• You seriously suffer from confabulation or mythomania, because you confuse reality with imagination, you lie and believe in the lie, and this is the secret of your huge film industry, you have the incredible ability to live the role assigned to you.
• You also suffer from a narcissistic personality disorder, because you have an unjustified feeling of grandiosity, an infatuated sense of self-importance and an unquenched thirst for recognition (without proper achievements to deserve it). This pathology probably helps you escape the shocking reality of your lost position in the Arab and African arenas. You need to protect yourselves from the others’ unbearable recognition of your true nature. Psychologists and psychiatrists describe the phenomenon that happened to you from November 18th onwards as a narcissistic rage, a result of a deep narcissistic injury. Algerians prevented some of you from realizing the schemes that are now secret to nobody, and some others from experiencing their megalomaniac feelings. During the rage, you shouted, distorted the facts, and made unwarranted accusations against Algerians, because they hurt some hollow heads with a kick of a hollow ball.
• One of your numerous mental disorders is also pyromania, because you deliberately set fire between two Muslim peoples; you set ablaze a terrible “fitna” with whose flames the Almighty will burn you.
For your sad mental plight, and for the innocent people you contaminated, I wish we could send planes of therapists to perform a great humanitarian mission. I believe, however, that you are a hopeless case, and I am happy for sane and honest Egyptians to learn that you are going to resign next year, but by no means safe on your legs as you expressed in one of your declarations on the Net.
I read about “A Call to boycott Amr Adib” as well as Abu Treika’s decision to resign if you did not apologize for your assault on the very football players for whom you ridiculously and hypocritically danced on November 14th. With your attitude against Algerians, you certainly wanted to make amends for your quarrels with the Egyptian football team some months ago; you even treated them as “neges” (very unprofessional terminology). I also found your quarrel with a noble man of religion who told you that Christmas is not part of our “Aakida”, a word that seems beyond your grasp. I equally found your own confession that you have a mighty protective hand without which you could have never remained on the air, throwing your venom on whoever opposes your scandalous views, and the examples about your infamous reputation abound.
For people like you, freedom of the press equals anarchy of the press and manipulation of the masses. With your forked venomous tongue, you have become the legendary opprobrium of the Egyptians, whose honest ones are ashamed of you, and whose naïve ones believe in your lies. Here I want to insist on a verse from the holy Koran :
قال تعالى : {يَا أَيُّهَا الَّذِينَ آمَنُوا إِن جَاءكُمْ فَاسِقٌ بِنَبَأٍ فَتَبَيَّنُوا أَن تُصِيبُوا قَوْماً بِجَهَالَةٍ فَتُصْبِحُوا عَلَى مَا فَعَلْتُمْ نَادِمِينَ**الحجرات6“O ye who believe! If a wicked person comes to you with any news, ascertain the truth, lest ye harm people unwittingly, and afterwards become full of repentance for what ye have done” (Surah 49: 6).
In the previous years, the media industry has been invaded by pseudo-journalists like yourself, who deform rather than inform, harm rather than serve the public interest. Genuine journalists are accurate in the transmission of facts; they seek reliable sources (not actors), and they do not hush honest people when they tell the truth live in the show (as you and your colleagues do). Many of your dangerous actions emanate from your tendency for sensationalism and search for interests: you make use of logical fallacies and propaganda techniques, suppression, addition or distortion of information, as well as subtle diversions of attention from the truth. To set Egyptians against Algerians, you have resorted to many well-knows media manipulation methods such as:
• Distraction by nationalism: pretending that the national pride is threatened by what you call “barbarians”, a method known since the Romans, who probably learnt it from Pharaohs, who knows?!
• Distraction by scapegoat or demonisation of the opposition: having a serious emotional load that needed an outlet, and being unable to discharge it neither within the borders, nor against your neighbor who slaughters your brothers, you found in Algerians a means to divert the crises you are living in, a kind of pressure valve to soothe your sufferance.
• Distraction by phenomenon: distracting your people for a span of time from important issues by a minor one, and giving it a much larger dimension.
Finally, I must say that there is no wonder that you have one of the largest film and music industries in the Arab World, which by the way, we have a good riddance! I see around me that our youngsters and mainly women have become more enlightened and responsible after November 18th, it must be due to their decision to boycott your debilitating, infamous, pseudo-artistic creations!

Dernière édition par Egomis le Sam 26 Déc - 0:14, édité 2 fois



Bien fait pour sa gueule, Maissane...

Faire campagne contre " lalahoum El Djazaïr " !!!! courir derrière une réconciliation qui leur est refusée... ces "choses abjectes du bord du Nil", carpettes serviles des sionistes ne savent plus ce qu'il doivent faire...

Pauvres! minables...

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